Saturday, February 25, 2017

Medium Specificity

Read article here: The Metal Raindrop

Narratives can take on many forms: first-person, third person.  Narrators themselves can take equally if not more numerous forms, depending on the narrator’s identity, relation to the story, gender, level of knowledge of events within the narrative itself and the narrator’s own biases or lack thereof.  Scott McCloud iterates in his graphic novel Understanding Comics, where artist (author) and patron (reader) diverge is usually at the point when the understanding of what constitutes the medium they are sharing also diverges.  McCloud talks specifically about how comics separate themselves from painting, photography, and other illustration mediums. 

Literary narrative also has to separate itself from poetry, biography, and historical writing.  It is also not merely prose.  Literary narratives must have, as the name implies, a narrative—a story.  Literary narratives are a symphony that can only be properly performed if the participant and the author come to a mutual understanding through the narrator. 

Literary narratives depend on the reader’s ability to read, understand textual symbolism, and connect events to the overall plot.  Literary narratives depend as well upon the author’s ability to arrange language to fit the audience that is skilled enough to understand the narrative being written.  And when author and reader meet on the field of mutual understanding, that is where the fun begins.  

In The Metal Raindrop, many aspects of literary narrative are emphasized.  It explores the strengths and enormous power a literary narrative can have.  The Metal Raindrop also admits that literary narrative is bound by that which it reveals, for the Reader can never know what the Author has not yet written.  Our narrator reminds us of this constantly, pointing out things that the Author neglected to tell us.  And true to literary narratives, the Author only gives us the pieces we need to know in order to understand the story.

In the beginning, the narrator tells us of the lack of need for a large fire.  At the end, we realize that it is not just that he is alone in his study, but alone entirely.  And the end of the narrator is the end of the narrative, as a literary narrative should be. 

Our narrator also comments on one of the most powerful things a literary narrative can do: create images and ideas inside the human mind.  Since literary narrative can only function if the author can write and the reader can read, it is limited to humans.  Even within our species, there is limitation due to language and culture.

Despite these limitations, the written word has changed and influenced mankind since its inception.  Humans have tried to do physically what words do mentally, film and painting being great examples.  Many are the people who confess that they enjoyed the book better than its film adaptation.  And though film is influential in its own right, it still does not have the power of persuasion that a literary narrative has.  And as the narrator wishes, let us all hope that our own narratives end better than his.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Historical Fiction Piece

Click here for: My Other Half Script

My Other Half shows us the familiarity and camaraderie between Michael and Ashton Kutcher.  Michael is born with cerebral palsy and has had other health complications that have made life difficult to navigate—it’s hard to know which way to go when you don’t know where the cliff’s edge is.  Michael’s health problems are the true antagonist of our story.  Much like Hurricane Katrina in Josh Neufeld’s After the Deluge, Michael’s health problems control the underlying tension of the story. 

In this circumstance, Ashton reacts somewhat similarly to his brother’s health crisis as Marjane Satrapi does in her excerpt The Veil.  Satrapi is forced to wear a veil to cover her head as is common in some Muslim sects.  At first, her and her classmates do all sorts of nonsense with the veil before they settle into the routine wearing of such. 

Ashton bounds to an extreme solution when he contemplates the news that his brother needs a heart transplant and soon: Ashton offers his own heart.  Ashton also reacts rather excessively when Topher Grace makes a comment about handicapped.  Another antagonist in My Other Half, Topher Grace, is based loosely in rumor.  An inciting incident was necessary for the story, so the rumor that Grace was a bit cold to his fellow cast members was useful.  This provided us with an opportunity to use our creative liberty and spruce up the contention a bit. 

This leads us to a semi-antagonist—The Producer.  This character is not based on any sources.  My Other Half needed a devil’s advocate as far as the conflict between Ashton and his acting career goes.  An unrealistically sympathetic human may have let Ashton have the day off to tone things down.  But our current Producer exemplifies the idiom ‘Time is Money’ and Ashton was not on his own time.  Earlier versions focused more on events and their minute description, but the story is better told through the dialogue and nudges in for mis en scene.

Works Cited
Associated Press. "Michael Kutcher talks about twin brother Ashton, life with cerebral palsy
February 2, 2012 at 11:01 pm | UPDATED: February 7, 2016 at 12:42 pm." 7 February 2016 Web. <>.

Faherty, Allanah. "Ashton Kutcher Contemplated Suicide to Save His Twin Brother." Sept. 2016. Web. <>.

Swift, Nicki. "What Really Happened Behind the Scenes of That '70s Show." Web. <>.

Wikipedia. "Ashton Kutcher." Jan. 2017. Web. <>.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Process Piece

Documentaries focus on everything from the extraordinary to the common, everyday occurrences. They inform and they inspire feeling, whether they be documenting the Hundred Year War or the making of horseshoes or the washing of dishes. Our short audio documentary is the everyday experience of walking a dog. It is simple, unadorned, has repeating sounds, few words and is rather quiet, yet listening to it could produced a different experience, and inspire different feelings and memories, to each listener. Most people have walked a dog at some point or another, and by documenting such an ordinary and plain event, it allows the listener to picture what they will and insert themselves into the audio and picture their own memories into the walk.

The jingle of the collar. The panting of a dog. The steps tapping down stairs. All these quiet noises make the listener focus and try to identify these quiet noises and create an image of what is going on. As defined in Broderick Fox’s book on Documentary Media, this is a performative piece, quite different from any of the videos we watched as homework, but rather in common with Jack White Makes a Guitar. It makes the viewer wonder what the person in the piece is thinking. The sounds in the beginning are very familiar as the leash is placed on the dog and they go out the door. New sounds are introduced as they walk down stairs and around the neighborhood, telling a simple story as we listen for things that we can identify and picture. As the pair return to the stairs, we realize the short journey is at an end and they have returned home.The beginning and ending is easily identified and allows for an easier identification with what is going on.

I loved to walk my dog around the neighborhood back when I was home. It was peaceful and I often would stick in headphones, and think back to the latest book I read, placing myself in it and having a mini adventure in my head. That is what this audio recording captures for me when I listen to it. However, when Micai walks his dog, he enjoys nature and time with his dog, while thinking about nature, school, hobbies, friends, family, his next task. This audio documentary doesn’t just capture one moment, but many.

For me, it has the same effect that “The Equation” scene does in the movie “The Little Prince.” Both are very simple, with few and repetitive sounds, and. Document something very simple. “The Equation” scene is about a young girl stuck inside doing homework. The simplicity of the scene and the sounds bring a nostalgic feeling and allow one to place themselves into the scene or documentary.